
Allen Manufacturing, Inc.

Assembly & Kitting

Scroll Down for A list of projects

Even if Allen Manufacturing does not do any cutting or stitching, they can assemble your product or kit your items together.  Such as: sample books; kits; sets; box assembly; and, product inspection to name just a few. 

Learn more about our Assembly & Kitting projects:

  • Swatch Books
  • Sample Books
  • Box Assembly
  • Woven Rope Baskets
  • Woven Rope Door Mats
  • Assembly – Learn More
  • Kitting – Learn More
  • Swatch Books
  • Sample Books
  • Box Assembly
  • Woven Rope Baskets
  • Woven Rope Door Mats
  • Assembly – Learn More
  • Kitting – Learn More
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