
Allen Manufacturing, Inc.

Allen Manufacturing – Always, made in USA.

Many people finding it daunting to start a new Project.  Allen  Manufacturing is here to help you through all of the stages of your project.

Wherever you are in you project, Allen Manufacturing can help get it to the next step and all the way to production.

When calling us or emailing us, let us know what you need help with.  Many times, a first call is the best way to start. Each answer we give to a question often times generates another question. This process can go faster with a call then with back and forth emails.  That said, however we are happy to work together in whatever way works best for you.

Do you need help sourcing materials?  We can do that for you.

Do you need help developing your pattern.  We can do that for you.

Do you need help with packaging?  We can do that, too.

Do you need sampling?  We have that skill set, as well.

Are you looking for small, medium or large batch production.  That’s what we do.

Do you have questions or need to bounce some thoughts off of us, then give us a call today and see how Allen Manufacturing can help bring your project to life.   ( or 207-333-3385) 

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